10 Tips for Going Green with Your Computer

The information revolution helped spark the green revolution. But sometimes computers themselves can be a bit of a problem. Many of their components are manufactured using a lot of noxious chemicals. The power efficiency is a problem too. The components present other safe disposal problems.

Here are a few ways you can do your computing in a more planet-positive way.

1) The good news on cost: on the whole, greener computers don’t cost much more than their non-green siblings. And you’ll save money every minute they’re running, not to mention the peace of mind you’ll get.

2) Before you buy, do the research, using sites like Metaefficent.com. They’ll tell you which companies are doing the most, and which models are the greenest (and which are the worst)

3) Energy costs have gone up so much that businesses that use large numbers of PCs are finally starting to take the power consumption of their computers seriously, pushing manufacturers to get serious about efficiency.

4) The European Union has implemented a Restriction of Hazardous Substances ban that cuts allowable levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and flame retardants.

5) Go with a laptop rather than a desktop. Laptops have energy-efficiency built right in, to optimize battery life.

6) For peak efficiency, go for a peak monitor. Look for monitors with reduced energy consumption, often made from recycled materials.

7) Recycle your old computers and components responsibly!

9) When your computer is running, you want to optimize your power usage. Verdiem has a free software application, Edison, that allows quick, easy, one-step setup to optimize your computer’s power usage.

10) Do you know about vampire power? Even when off, many computers and monitors can draw a watt of power or more. When you shut down, turn off the power switch on the strip.

BONUS: Finally - really, turn it off! Many people leave their systems running 24/7, burning enough energy to light a small city. Give it a rest!

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