Apple is going "Green" with MacBooks

I am glad they have released a mac commercial outside of their "mac vs pc" ads! I salute their effort to produce environmentally friendly products. Along with this, Apple has unveiled a new webpage dedicated to showing off their new notebook’s green innovation. Additionally, a new commercial showcasing the “Greenest family of notebooks” aired recently:

When we redesigned the new Macbook, our designers and engineers set a goal of making not only the greenest notebook Apple ever produced, but the greenest family of notebooks. So every new Macbook has been built using materials that are highly recyclable and free of many harmful substances present in other computers. Apple engineers also designed the software and hardware to work together, in order to maximize energy efficiency and minimize the carbon footprint of the MacBook. Even the packaging was reconsidered and reduced, so there would be smaller boxes to ship and less material to recycle. The result is exactly what we hoped for: the greenest family of notebooks ever made.

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