Play YouTube Videos in 3 different qualities(HD Video)

YouTube has just announced that users now have the option of watching some videos in 720p HD. These streams are available on certain videos, depending on the source file uploaded to YouTube.

The ability to upload higher quality videos means improved sharpness and visual clarity for some YouTube videos. It’s very noticeable in videos that contain text or fast movement and also in full-screen mode.

Here you can check the video in Normal,High quality and HD Quality

Normal Quality=&fmt=6 increases the resolution from 320×240 to 448×336, Flash 7 video @ 900Kbps; audio @ 44.1KHz 96Kbps Mono CBR.

High quality=&fmt=18 increases the resolution to 480×360, H.264 video @ 512Kbps; audio @ 44.1KHz 128Kbps Stereo.

HD Quality=&fmt=22 increases the resolution to 1280×720 (720p), H.264 video @ 1024Kbps; audio @ 44.1KHz 232Kbps Stereo.

How Can I Embed a High Quality YouTube Video?
Append The Right Code

All you need to do is append &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 to the YouTube URL video.

If this is the YouTube video URL:
Then the video URL will look like this:

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