
Showing posts from August, 2011

Stress in early life reduces life expectancy

A fresh study by the University of Glasgow, brought out today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, evokes that our life expectancy is probably influenced by how much tension we were exposed to early in our lives. The research also depicts that early life stress underwent by our partners may affect our lifespan. “Other research led us to expect that increased stress exposure in early life would reduce adult lifespan’, said Professor Pat Monaghan, “but we were not expecting such a big effect on breeding partners. Unstressed birds had mortality rates that were four times higher than normal if they were simply given partners that had experienced stress earlier in their lives.” The group of researchers considers that contribution to the reason for the partner effect could be that these tense souls are not very comforting to be with. Agreeing to Professor Monaghan, “The take home message is that the wrong kind of partner can be very bad for your health.” It...

Connect to the internet in new ways

If you are baffled at the slow speeds of wifi internet when more than one device is tapped into your network you should know that radio waves are merely one part of the spectrum that can carry our data. What if we could utilize other waves to surf the internet? Harald Haas (a German physicist), has developed a solution he calls “data through illumination”—getting the fiber out of fiber optics by beaming data through an LED light bulb that alters in intensity more accelerated than the human eye can follow. Haas alleges his conception, which he calls D-Light, could develop data rates more bolted than 10 MBps, which is quicker than your common broadband connection. He foresees a time to come where information for laptops, smartphones, and pads is aired by the light in a room. And security measures would be a breeze—if you can not envision the light, you can not access the data. You are able to guess all sorts of functions for this technology, starting with public cyberspace acces...

HIV Diagnosed In 15 Minutes

Columbia University men of science have developed a $1 plastic chip that can diagnose HIV and syphilis in 15 minutes. The chip named the "mChip", a credit-card-sized piece of plastic that is made applying a plastic injection molding process, examinations for multiple diseases with just one pinprick of blood. Nothing moves inside the chip, and the microfluidics-based chip can be examined with assist from a cheap visual sensor. Concording to results issued this week in Nature Medicine, the chip detects 100% of cases when utilized to test HIV or syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus together, with a 4% to 6% false positive rate. That's same to what is ascertained with common laboratory exams in the developed world. An mChip that can diagnose prostatic adenocarcinoma has already been authorized for use in Europe. In the future, Columbia investigator Samuel K. Sia trusts to practice the chip to examine pregnant women in Rwanda for HIV and other STDs. Numerous of...