Stress in early life reduces life expectancy

A fresh study by the University of Glasgow, brought out today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, evokes that our life expectancy is probably influenced by how much tension we were exposed to early in our lives. The research also depicts that early life stress underwent by our partners may affect our lifespan.

“Other research led us to expect that increased stress exposure in early life would reduce adult lifespan’, said Professor Pat Monaghan, “but we were not expecting such a big effect on breeding partners. Unstressed birds had mortality rates that were four times higher than normal if they were simply given partners that had experienced stress earlier in their lives.”

The group of researchers considers that contribution to the reason for the partner effect could be that these tense souls are not very comforting to be with. Agreeing to Professor Monaghan, “The take home message is that the wrong kind of partner can be very bad for your health.”

It's a known fact that our general mood can affect different diseases in negative or positive ways. That's why I see no reason not to trust this study. It seems that the answer to the big question ('how can I live longer?') rest within ourself.

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