Messenger probe provides new information about Mercury

Latest observations of the Messenger probe indicate that there is a high density material reservoir inside the closest planet to the Sun: Mercury

Since it entered the orbit of Mercury, a year ago, NASA's Messenger probe has taken nearly 100,000 photographs, it mapped the gravitational field of Mercury and elevation measurements.

Researchers published last week in Science Express new discoveries about the closest planet to the Sun. According to them, the planet's crust is thicker and thinner at low latitudes to the poles, which, together with activity data within Mercury, suggests a liquid outer core. This core radius is 85% of the planet to Earth, where the core is less than 50% of the radius.

However, findings reveal a Messenger mission of ferrous sulphate liquid layer beneath the crust of Mercury.

Regarding Mercury landforms, new study shows changes in elevation smaller than on Mars or the Moon, the most prominent topographic feature in terms of being a bump in a large volcanic plains lying north of the planet.

Analyzing the largest impact crater on Mercury, Caloris, also one of the largest in the solar system (with a diameter of 1500 km), it was observed that his center is far higher than its edges, which shows topographic changes of the planet after its formation, possibly due to tectonic forces.

Based on all these results, in the following period Messenger will make comprehensive measurements of the magnetosphere and exosphere and new observations in periods of high solar activity, in order to elucidate more clearly the mysteries of Mercury.

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